

Our family has been blessed to consistently having five generations alive at one time. However, communication has never been one of our strong suits. This blog (and the ones to come that will connect branches on the family tree) is an attempt to keep some our family history and stories alive. Lest we forget all that has gone before.

Many entries on this particular blog are taken from the memory book "Grandma, Tell Me Your Memories" that I [Cheryl Lynn Miller] gave to Gran [Evelyn Henrietta Poppleton]. Each page of the book is dated and has a simple question prompting the reader for input. For the sake of readability and continuity entries have been combined. Due to the length of the book (365 pages), only a little bit of the story will be told at a time. These are (mostly) her words.

When memory has functioned properly my comments have been made in italics and PURPLE. :)
To make searches easier posts have been labeled with the main character's initials. A key is shown below.

EHPJ = Evelyn Henrietta Poppleton Johnson
CLM = Cheryl Lynn Miller
CRP = Charles Randall Poppleton
FMBP = Florence Marie Berchtold Poppleton
GIJG = Gail Iolani Johnson Gross
FWJ = Frederick Wilson Johnson
JDJZ = Judilyn Dale Johnson Zierkowicz

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